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BOF 4/11/13 Special Meeting
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

                                     SPECIAL  MEETING
                                             APRIL 11, 2013   6:00 P.M.
                                           Middle School Auditorium

  • CALL TO ORDER:  Mr. LaMay called the special meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman                   
  Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman             
  Barry O’Nell
        Tom Stevenson
        John O’Brien
         Derrik Kennedy
         Breck Lindley

          In Attendance
           Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
          Scott Giegerich, Selectman
          Bob Fish, Treasurer
          Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
          Lisa Carver, Finance Director
          Heston Sutman, Acting Superintendent
          Julie Pendleton, Finance and Operations Director
          Mario Gaboury, Chairman, Board of Education
          John Dunn, Fire Chief
           Michael Spera, Chief of Police
          Larry Bonin, Public Works Director
          Christina Burnham, Chairman, Police Commission       
          Gerri Lewis, Clerk

  • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Mr. LaMay led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • PUBLIC COMMENT:  A question by a gentleman in the audience to Mr. Fortuna was regarding the position of Program Manager of WPCA and how it was funded.
  • ELDERLY TAX BENEFIT: ACTION REQUESTED:  Mr. LaMay called upon the Tax Assessor, to explain this item to the Board of Finance.  The Assessor noted that this benefit is driven by age and income.

Motion:    To grant $75, tax relief to qualifying elderly residents in the Town of Old Saybrook.   

Moved: B. O’Nell                                Second: B. Thorpe

Discussion: None

Approved:  7-0-0

Mr. LaMay thanked Ms. Carver and Mr. Fortuna for the new budget format.  He noted that the Board of Selectmen already cut the town budget by $900K.  Mr. LaMay instructed the board that this special meeting was to deliberate on the town government and board of education budgets.  He then opened it up for discussion by the board.

Motion:  To cut the Police budget $100K.

Moved: T. Stevenson                                Second: B. O’Nell

Discussion: Mr. Stevenson named several line items, some of which were contractual.  Some of which included Vac/Sick/Extra Coverage; Extra Hours; Longevity; Special Assignment; Community Services Officers; Clerical; Telephone; Uniforms; Computer Supplies; Gasoline; Photo Supplies; Misc. Small Equipment and so forth.

Approved:  Mr. Stevenson; Mr. O’Nell;
Opposed:  Mr. O’Brien; Ms. Lindley; Mr. Thorpe; Mr. Kennedy; Mr. LaMay

The OSPD capital budget was discussed.  The Board had several questions about the Police Boat.  Chief Spera noted that he was looking for a grant.

Motion:  To cut $25K out of the Marine Patrol budget to make up for the shortage for  community events.

Moved: B. Lindley                                Second: B. Thorpe


Approved:  Ms. Lindley; Mr. Thorpe
Opposed:  Mr. O’Brien; Mr. Kennedy; Mr. LaMay; Mr. Stevenson; Mr. O’Nell
Motion did not pass.

Motion:  To move $13,523.00 under community events out of the Police budget and move it to the BOS budget.

Moved: B. Lindley                               Second:

Discussion: There was some discussion of putting it into the Political Subdivisions line.  

Ms. Lindley withdrew her motion.

Motion:  To approve the funding of the WPCA position per the Finance Director’s memo dated April 5, 2013.

Moved: D. Kennedy                               Second: D. LaMay

Discussion: None

Approved:  7-0-0

Motion:  To add 5 hours to Youth & Family Services personnel line.

Moved: J. O’Brien                               Second: B. O’Nell

Discussion: There was some discussion on labor issues which the BOF had no jurisdiction.

Amended Motion:  Mr. O’Brien amended his motion to add $3,665.00 to the personnel line in the Youth & Family Services budget.

Moved:  J. O’Brien                     Second:  B. O’Nell

Approved: Mr. O’Brien; Mr. O’Nell; Mr. LaMay; Mr. Stevenson; Mr. Thorpe; Ms. Lindley;
Opposed:  Mr. Kennedy

A motion to adjourn by Mr. Thorpe and seconded by Mr. O’Nell was made at 7:01 p.m.

Mr. O’Brien, not realizing that the meeting had adjourned for both budgets asked to continue the meeting so that he could address the BOE budget.  

Motion:  To cut $123,740.00 from the BOE budget.

Moved: J. O’Brien                               Second: B. O’Nell

Discussion: Mr. O’Brien noted that the BOE budget had increased 6.8% in the last 13 years.

Approved: Mr. O’Brien; Mr. O’Nell
Opposed:  Ms. Lindley; Mr. LaMay; Mr. Thorpe; Mr. Kennedy; Mr. Stevenson

Mr. Thorpe made a motion to adjourn and Mr. Kennedy seconded at 7:05 p.m.

        Respectfully submitted,

        Gerri Lewis, Clerk